Christmas is coming…

Know someone that likes Greek Mythology, or dancing? How about someone that knows what they want in life, and doesn’t plan to let anyone stand in their way? For Christmas this year, consider giving Pax de Deux, a novel about a girl who wants to become a professional ballerina, but gets caught up in a plot of the gods. Get caught up in The Nutcracker ballet as Elena fights for the future she’s worked so hard for.

Available on kindle, in paperback, and hardcover on Amazon.

End of the Year Tidings

My grand total of books read this year is 44, and of them, several were quite long. It’s a bit shorter than the 55 I read last year, but all in all, I read a lot of quality pieces that I quite enjoyed. As always, what’s important is that one always keeps reading.

2016 heralded a lot of change for me. My husband and I bought a house, and my debut novel Pas de Deux came out in November.

Of course, Pas de Deux didn’t come out all at once… that is to say, there was an e-book, then the paperback became available and now the hardcover is available for sale on Amazon!

Pas de Deux now available in paperback

The paperback edition of Pas de Deux is now available through createspace and Amazon.  Follow the life of Elena Gleason as she gets more than she bargained for upon meeting the mysterious Anastasios thanks to a magical locket.


Special thanks to Kostis Petridis who designed my amazing cover.  If you’d like to contact him about book cover designs or other graphic art, you can visit his website by clicking here.

Pas de Deux available at Midnight

This is a friendly reminder that Pas de Deux is available at midnight on November 18th in ebook form, with both paperback and hardcover editions to follow.  Grab a copy and get sucked into the life of Elena, who wants nothing more than to become a ballerina in the New York City Ballet, but somehow ends up entwined with a depressed stranger who hopes she can save him from his solitude.


Pas de Deux – Available for Pre-order

Now available for pre-order on kindle, Amy S. Brown’s debut novel, Pas de Deux.
Kindle Release: November 18, 2016. Paperback to follow.


Elena Gleason is driven. She’s spent countless hours of her seventeen years honing her abilities to become a ballerina in the New York City Ballet. Yet when she is whisked off to a remote manor house by a magical locket, and trapped with a dark haired stranger, Elena realizes more than her future in ballet is at stake. Anastasios has lost his spark, and is searching for a muse to infuse his spirit when Elena falls into his life. Skeptical of Anastasios’s claims, Elena continues to seek a way out of the manor, and learns the perils of his profession. Despite knowing the risks, Elena won’t stop fighting for the future she wants.


I’ve been diligently working on Pas de Deux for years.  It’s gone through many changes, and I’m quite pleased with what it has become.  I hope that many of you enjoy inhabiting the world of Elena and Anastasios as much as I do.

The Pas de Deux tab on the far right will now take you first to an information page about this novel, with the drop down link taking you to the posts I’ve put up about this novel and a small bit of the process I’ve gone through to get it where it is today.


Where I’ve Been

Here’s a brief update for all of you lovely adoring fans out there, that I’m sure have been quite concerned for my sudden website absence.  If you follow me on Facebook you’d know that I’ve had a minimal presence there, mostly posting various memes about reading.  So, what have I been up to?

During the past few months my husband and I have fully moved into our new house.  I’ve been working on several projects,  one of which being Pas de Deux and as always, reading.

This is where most of you that have been with me for a while might think, oh goodness, she’s going to go through a stage of mass reviews for all the novels she’s gone through but been too busy (or lazy) to put up sooner.  Yes and no.  I continued to work through a series I started last year, and part of it was quite dragging.  In truth, I’ve only got about four new reviews to do.  Worry not, this number will hopefully increase drastically.

Debut book reading!

My debut book reading has officially been set, and it is going to be rather exclusive, as the book has not yet been released.  I will likely post a few pictures of the event, and I thank all of you who have shown your interest in Pas de Deux thus far.  Once the book is out I would be more than willing to do more book readings, so if that’s something you’re interested in, feel free to contact me.

Speaking of people who have shown interest in Pas de Deux, I met a lovely family at a restaurant on Friday and ended up mentioning my novel.  If you do end up getting a copy when it is available, and you’d like to get it signed, please contact me so we can set something up.

Cover art and public book readings: Oh my!

As of Monday the 5th I officially have my cover artist locked in!  I’m quite excited for what I believe will be an amazing image.  Please check out the amazing Terrazzo Creative Works.  While he has done some amazing things in the past, I’ve asked Leo to look into a completely new style for this cover, which I hope you’ll enjoy.

I’m also looking at doing my first public book reading, which is quite exciting in and of itself.  It will most likely be set for later this month, and there may be a chance of some participation giveaways.  Once there are more details to share, I will most definitely let you know.

Exciting news!

Not only have I been in talks with an amazing artist for the cover of Pas de Deux, and have a wonderful graphic artist set to design the cover, but I also have it confirmed that my top choice will be the voice of Matthias for the audio book!

And this is only the beginning!