New Work Coming Out… April 1st

Some of you may be thinking, Amanda, why the heck did you just put out 3 book reviews on the same day when you say you hate letting them build up like that? Well, I’ve been working on something quite different from the regular, and I have to let you in on a project that’s now available for presale, and will be released in paperback!

Have you ever had a character that was meant for one time use, but that people loved so much they became a full fledged important part of a storyline? Meet Genevieve, who came into the story with cotton candy blue hair, and is a full fledged, as she would put it, faerie princess. Genevieve entered the adventure (having been born during a Dungeons and Dragons game I was DMing) at 12, and while she doesn’t enjoy typical “princess” activities like embroidery because she doesn’t have the patience, she had it in her to keep a journal written entirely in haiku.

Join Genevieve in bouts of both hilarity and unexpected depths of wisdom by preordering her journal, Musings of a Self Proclaimed Faerie Princess.