Review of The Charmer by C. J. Archer

The Charmer
Assassins Guild Book 1
By C. J. Archer

Star Rating: 
Genre: Historical/Medieval Romance
Number of Pages: 286

Date Started: October 20, 2016
Date Finished: October 24, 2016

Synopsis: (From Amazon)cover-the-charmer
Handsome. Charming. Devastating. He was the last man she needed, but the only one she wanted.

Orlando Holt has never assassinated a woman before. The lovely, feisty Lady Lynden will be his first. She’s supposed to be a vicious murderess, but when Orlando begins to have doubts, he sets out to discover the identity of the person who hired him. What he learns will turn his world upside down, and propel him headlong into love with a woman who’s immune to his charms.

Twice widowed by the age of twenty-four, Lady Susanna Lynden has had enough of charming men. Her last husband knew all the right things to say to get her to the marriage bed…then made her life miserable. Money may be scarce and her house falling down around her, but the exotic fruit from her orange trees will keep poverty away. Except someone is thwarting her at every turn. Someone who may even want her dead.

I wasn’t certain what to expect out of Archer, having already become completely addicted to her Ministry of Curiosities book series, but this book surely didn’t disappoint.  While different in the lack of supernatural, this book had quite realistic deep characters that were easy to connect with.  Through learning about the characters and their relationships one might be able to guess the mystery, but for me, although I did have an inkling who it might be, I hadn’t figured out the why for certain.

Several amazon reviews state that this book dragged and there wasn’t enough action in it, but I can tell you that I didn’t want to put this book down, and it wasn’t until I was falling asleep trying to continue reading on the kindle that I did so.  The ending was perfect, and it was a quite wonderful read.

Oh, and guess what– this amazing one is for free on kindle!  I certainly recommend this book, and will be moving on to her latest series I have yet to start on.

Author Biography: (From Amazon)
C.J. Archer has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She has at various times worked as a librarian, IT support person and technical writer but in her heart has always been a fiction writer. While she has written historical romance in the past, she now writes exclusively in the historical fantasy genre (with a large dose of romance). She has several series which occur in the same Victorian-era “world”, one after the other. Each series can be read alone, but it’s more fun to start at the beginning with THE EMILY CHAMBERS SPIRIT MEDIUM TRILOGY. Follow that up with all 9 FREAK HOUSE books, then the MINISTRY OF CURIOSITIES series. GLASS AND STEELE, her newest series, is set in an entirely different alternate Victorian London.

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Review of Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

The Angel Experiment
A Maximum Ride Novel (Book 1)
By James Patterson

Star Rating: 
Genre: Young Adult, Young Adult Sci-Fi, Young Adult Fantasy
Number of Pages: 464

Date Started: October 3, 2016
Date Finished: October 12, 2016

maximum_ride1Synopsis: (From Amazon)
In James Patterson’s blockbuster series, fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, better known as Max, knows what it’s like to soar above the world. She and all the members of the “flock”–Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman and Angel–are just like ordinary kids–only they have wings and can fly. It may seem like a dream come true to some, but their lives can morph into a living nightmare at any time…like when Angel, the youngest member of the flock, is kidnapped and taken back to the “School” where she and the others were experimented on by a crew of wack jobs. Her friends brave a journey to blazing hot Death Valley, CA, to save Angel, but soon enough, they find themselves in yet another nightmare–this one involving fighting off the half-human, half-wolf “Erasers” in New York City. Whether in the treetops of Central Park or in the bowels of the Manhattan subway system, Max and her adopted family take the ride of their lives. Along the way Max discovers from her old friend and father-figure Jeb–now her betrayed and greatest enemy–that her purpose is save the world–but can she?

You’re given an option as you open this book– do you want to know what has happened to Max, and become part of the knowledgeable few?  It might put you in danger… and that made me quite eager to read more.

I wasn’t sure I was going to like this series, but the characterization and development was perfect, and I was quickly swept up into the life and concerns of Max and the other mutant children.  The accuracy with which Patterson demonstrates both the abilities of 14 year olds and the desires and irritations of the 6 and up children was phenomenal.

As with all James Patterson novels I found the pacing perfect.

I was worried about how the supernatural-esque creatures would fit into this urban fantasy style book, but found that they blended seamlessly with the rest of the world, and that when they stuck out, the public reacted realistically and accordingly.

My grandfather, who does not like to read fantasy books at all (though he has read the majority of Harry Potter as I was growing up with them), had read this series when it first came out, and had assumed I read it as well.  Since he liked it and though it only a bit far fetched, I do believe this is a book that most if not all could get into, possibly as a gateway to the fantasy genre.

All in all, I quite enjoyed this novel and can’t wait to read the rest in the series.

618wcp0vm9l-_ux250_Author Biography: (From Amazon)
James Patterson received the Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community at the 2015 National Book Awards. His other awards include two Emmys, the Edgar Award, and the Children’s Choice Award for Author of the Year. He is a tireless champion of the power of books and reading, exemplified by his new children’s book imprint, JIMMY Patterson, whose mission is simple: “We want every kid who finishes a JIMMY Book to say: ‘PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER BOOK.'” He has donated more than one million books to students and soldiers and has over four hundred Teacher Education Scholarships at 24 colleges and universities. He has also donated millions to independent bookstores and school libraries. Patterson will be investing proceeds from the sales of JIMMY Patterson Books in pro-reading initiatives.


As the leaves hit the ground and the seasons continue to change this website has also evolved.  Now everyone can have a glimpse at one of the many magic roses I’ve encountered.

New, exciting things are happening here.  Stay tuned! 🙂

Where I’ve Been and a BOOK BLAST!

Lately, I’ve been spending far more time dancing than I have writing.  It might appear that I’ve also shoved reading to the side, but this is not true.  Since finishing From the Ashes by C. J. Archer, book six in The Ministry of Curiosities book series I’ve had the pleasure of beta reading a wonderful alternative history novel which I absolutely adore.  While I can’t divulge anything about my favourite alternative history book, I can share a book that my author friend has a short story in!

This book features classic Fairy Tales with a Science Fiction twist.  Sound like it’s the type of book I’d read?  You bet!  I’m hoping it’s one you would be interested in too.

Check out Circuits and Slippers for a new perspective on well known and loved stories.  If you like Fairy Tale retellings, this will likely be perfect for you.  Get it, love it, and want to chat?  You’re free to contact me, and hey, maybe one of the authors would be willing to drop you a line too.